Tuesday, May 29, 2012

We're Home

Mother's Day this year was a little different but I still enjoyed it very much.  We woke up in Boise and ready for our last 7 1/2 hour stretch of the final move.  We felt bad that Jaycee didn't get to swim so we decided to relax a little bit this day and sleep in, eat breakfast then let her go swimming for about an hour.  We got on the road around noon and finished up our drive.  When we came out to the area in March it was pretty but coming across this time was even prettier.  I couldn't get enough of the views and how green it was.  As we were coming into Oregon you could see Mt. Hood perfectly.  I felt such a blessing to be moving to such a beautiful area and couldn't help but ponder on how Heavenly Father helped all this to happen.  We as a family feel so strongly that the decision we made 2 years ago to work for Kleinschmidt led us to this area and where we are supposed to be.  We met our realtor at our new home and as we walked in the door the alarm was going off.  (We still have no idea how to use it)  This home seriously has "bells & whistles" as Craig calls it.  We aren't used to the many upgrades it has and often wonder how we got so lucky to live here.  About 5 minutes after the realtor left the doorbell rang.  I was thinking it was Jaycee but it was actually the neighbor.  Seriously?  She came to say Hi and said she's been keeping an eye out for who's moving in.  She told us all about the neighborhood and area and was just so welcoming.  Well here's how we say thank you.....  As she was walking away Jaycee let Izzy run inside which led to Izzy running outside and ran after her.  NICE!  Craig threw the pizza box and went after her and scared the Sh** out of her nice, friendly neighbor.  Luckily she didn't bite her but she sure barked and growled and nosed her hand like she was about to.  I WAS SO EMBARASSED!  Ugh, that dog!!!!  She pulls lots of Marley & Me moments, but Marley was at least nice. 

Driving into Hood River, OR and if you look closely you can see Mt. Hood by the power line
 Driving beside the Columbia River
 Mountains and trees and waterfalls

So for the first week it was perfect weather and actually had a REALLY hot day which I suppose is rare for here.  We didn't mind because there was NO HUMIDITY so we just laughed inside our minds.  The first week was spent buying food, buying furniture & washer/dryer and lots of unpacking and cleaning.  When I unpack a box I like to clean the room before it all gets put in.  Craig doesn't so pretty much he goes a lot faster than me.  We've been overwhelmed with how friendly everyone has been from neighbors, grocery store clerks, to just people at the park.  When we bought the washer & dryer a neighbor 2 houses down saw us unloading it and walked over and offered help and his dolly.  In Maine we never once had a neighbor offer help or even come say hi.  I would have to say WEST IS BEST!!!  We are back in our comfort zone of stores near by, mountains in view, knowledge of family close and no more east coast attitude that some people had.  We just feel so at home here. 

Our home.  We're excited to "put some roots down" as Craig says.

I'm still working on decorating and we just bought paint for the house so once it gets painted I'll post pics of the finished house. 

Our first week at church was wonderful.  Church at 1:00 is actually quite pleasant for our family.  We all sleep in and enjoy the sabbath morning quietly.  I started a *rule* that on Sunday mornings no TV is to be on so that we can have a peaceful feeling in our home before we go to church.  It actually works out well and I can tell that Jaycee is understanding that Sunday is a special day.  We headed to church and instantly (in sacrament and all) we were welcomed by members of the ward.  I was nervous for Jaycee to go to class and had to decide what to do with her.  Class time since Jan has been a struggle and ended up going to sunbeams in the branch but I really feel it'd be best for her to be with kids her own age and have that extra year in nursery where she should be.  In our ward there are 2 nurseries so when she walked in there were about 8-10 kids all her age.  She was a little hesitant but the teacher welcomed her and the kitchen in there was a bonus.  She gave me a hug and was good the whole time.  Craig and I enjoyed sunday school (it's been a while since we've been able to go to that class together) and again was welcomed by more ward members, the bishop came and talked to us and some lady even wanted some one-on-one Hadi time (that was a little awkward for me since not many people hold her yet)  RS was awesome too and I met more ladies and even planned a park day coming soon.  I just felt so at home and this was truly where we are supposed to be.  Craig left that night with some high priests for a stake meeting at the stake center and us girls enjoyed the rest of the night.  What a wonderful first Sunday. 

The second week has been about the same but it has had rain pretty much everyday.  Mostly it'll be nice and then it rains for a little bit then it's nice again.  It's crazy but for being so green it's gotta rain.  We've had  a day to go to the parks by our house and feed ducks and on Memorial Day we went to the lake that's about 5 minutes from our house.  Oh, and guess what...we are done unpacking!  I can't believe it got done so fast.  So all-in-all we are very happy with everything and feel so full in our hearts for our many blessings. 

Friday, May 25, 2012

Visit in Utah

Things really worked out nicely to spend time with family and luckily the finances part worked out perfect.  With buying a new home you usually get a month off so we didn't have to pay any mortgage for May.  Well then our closing got pushed back 10 days so then again June's mortgage is zero.  Our first payment isn't due until July 1 so that was nice to have for food and gas while we vacay in Utah.  We didn't want to spend much since we just bought a bigger home and we had hardly anything for it. 

We were so happy to be in Utah.  It felt so natural and will always hold a warm spot in our hearts.  When not living there for 2 years you forget how beautiful the mountains are and how nice it is to be by our families.  Friday-Sunday we stayed with Craig's parents and had such a fun time visiting.  Saturday was picture day, playing at the park, going out to dinner (oh ABC Mandarin how I've missed you!) and then going to Sheri & Carla's house to visit. 

Parker side grandkids (Chase, Jordann, Kyle, Scott, Parker, Hadley, Kaila, Devin, Malorie, Jaycee)
 What a good looking bunch.  Made us laugh because the clothing assignment was pastels.  Everyone showed up in purple, green and blue. 

 My pretty girls.  Jaycee did so good for the camera.  It wasn't exactly her natural smile but I can't complain for having to smile for over an hour.  Right after we were done we let them all play on the playground for an hour or so.  The weather was absolutely perfect.

 After dinner we went to Sheri's house to see their new chicks and visit. 

We were glad to go to church on Sunday at Cedar Crest.  We didn't stay for classes since that's usually a touchy place for Jaycee.  I sat out in the hall talking with mom through all sunday school but it was so nice to be with her.  I miss my mommy and daddy and don't realize until you see them only once a year.  We spent the rest of the afternoon playing and taking walks with the dogs.  Izzy about killed Phyllis' dog so she got to spend the time in her kennel.  That night his family went to a birthday party and we headed to Dawn's for a get together for my side.  It was so nice to see my family (minus Dathan obviously and Dalynne since she just barely had baby Kodee)  My grandma and grandpa even took the time to drive up and visit.  We all talked and my mom and dad brought slides (yes that tells their age) of Hawaii days, VA times and SC home.  It was fun to laugh and joke around and realize how smart my dad is. 

Jaycee with her buddy Tanner.  She really liked playing with him at the party.  The other boys were a little too rough for her. 
 Oaklee Jo  Such a pretty little girl with the cutest middle name.  he he.  I thought she would be super shy because she hardly knows me but she'd let me hold her and would give me the bets smiles.  I love her.

 Bestest Friends

Monday was a crazy day.  We left pretty early and packed up to head for Layton.  We spent a while signing papers, going to the bank, eating lunch, getting things from target that we finally got to Dalynne's around 4.  We had so much fun talking and letting the kids play.  We made fajitas for dinner and headed for bed around 10.  We weren't used to Utah time yet.  Tuesday morning Craig left pretty early for NE for his job site visit and got back Thursday around 5.  Tuesday I went to the store with Rylee and my girls for groceries and we mostly just hung out.  I waited for Craig's mom to call because I was thinking she wanted to visit but ended up just letting the kids play all day.  Oh and this was the night that Izzy got off her collar and ran after a jogger and scared every kid in the neighborhood.  I was relieved that she didn't bite anyone but so freakin mad that she even gets chances to go for walks. Wednesday we got up and going pretty early and met Aimee in Riverdale for a park day.  We were there for about 3 hours!!!  Jaycee and Wyatt had so much fun playing-even though Jaycee fell off the bridge.  Oaklee was pretty cute too running around.  It was a pretty warm day but in the shade it was perfect.  We sat on our blanket drinking out diet mt. dew and let ourselves splurge with 2 El Fudge cookies.  he he.  As I sat there talking and listening, I just felt in my heart how bad I've missed my sis.  She really is my best friend even though we may not see each other all the time or talk everyday.  We just get each other.  We headed from there to the wood store and spent a good hour deciding what to buy.  I'm excited for the few projects I'll be doing.  For dinner I had plans to be with my parents and Aimee said she'll just go home...no way!  She was coming with us.  We hung out at my parents for an hour or so then ate Chick Fil A for dinner and visited yet again.  Us Allens can talk!  It was so nice being with Aimee all day!  Thursday I got to visit a long time with Dalynne which was much needed and got to hold little Kodee.  Craig finally got home just in time to go to his friends' house to visit.  Jaycee was shy at first but by the end of the night she was playing with Tessa and Rhyker (Darren's kids)  It was nice to catch up with everyone and hear how their lives are.  Friday was spent all day in SLC at City Creek.  It was a little stressful for me but overall the kids had fun and that was the focus for the day.  We got to hang out with Aimee & Kyle most the day and we all walked about a mile to dinner.  It was so yummy!  Charlie's Chow.  When we got home from SLC and to Dalynne's house my head was pounding so hard and I felt like I was going to throw up (I think the heat and lack of water got to me)  I quickly went to bed and felt bad we didn't get to play a game.  Saturday was CRAZY!  With not wanting to hurt feelings we had to visit so many people and get all the things WE needed done and add in a 5 hour drive to Boise.  I was a little bugged that people don't look at things from our point of view sometimes.  I feel bad we didn't get lots of time or even get to see everyone, but we had to do what we needed.  We did get a chance to get things from my parents house and drop off a quick mother's day gift, drop by Craig's parents house and then ate dinner at Costa with Aimee & Kyle on our way out of town.  We snuck a quick drive-by our old house.  It was awkward but nice to see all the changes on the home.  As we left and headed for our drive I cried.  Mostly because I miss my sisters.  I didn't even get much time for Dawn.  We finally got into Boise at 11:30 and Jaycee was a little sad she didn't get to go swimming.  I felt really bad but we couldn't get out of Utah forever it seemed like.  We crashed hard once we hit the pillows. 

 Jaycee with her Grandpa Radios 
 On our way to the park by Dalynne's house
 My baby girl Hadi playing with all the kids at Dalynne's house
 Kodee Reyn Merrill
 The girls loved the park!

 Headed to city creek in SLC
Kait, Rylee & Jaycee
 Wyatt & TJ

 Jaycee loved playing with Rylee and holding her hand
 Ry shaking her bum, bum and Jaycee copying.  Made me laugh

 Some people say she looks just like me---What do you think?
 Trevan playing with Hadi
Jaycee saying bye to the Merrill cousins
Thank you everyone for hanging out and visiting with us.  A big thanks to Dalynne & Justin and Larry 7 Phyllis for letting us stay at your houses.  We are so very blessed for the best family ever!

Road Trip Part One

We're officially West Coasters again and from our point of view....WEST IS BEST! 

We were up cleaning and packing until Sunday, April 29 at midnight and were exhausted.  (I think I over-cleaned, but owell)  We got about 7 hours of sleep that night and then the movers came bright and early Monday morning at 8.  It was so exciting!  While they tagged and loaded up the truck we loaded up our truck and did finishing touches.  They finished about 3 in the afternoon.  Right as they left, so did we!  We headed for the 3 hour drive down to Dathan's for the night.  We got to play a game of Sequence and laugh together one last time.  Kellie made us a little travel tote for our 3300 mile road trip and we were very thankful.  She loaded it up with our favorite snacks.  Thanks Kel!  Monday morning we woke up bright and early and loaded up again and lucky us it was raining.  Kel and Bray said that mother nature was crying.  ha ha.  We said a pretty quick goodbye and headed for our first stop at Erie, PA.  Each day was from 8 1/2 hour to 9 hour drives but when you add in stops for feeding, gas and food we usually were on the road about 8:30 and stopping nearly every night at 8.  THEY WERE LONG DAYS! 

Highlights from Day 1 (Pelham, NH to Erie, PA)
-Rain!  Izzy had to ride in the truck   -Izzy stepping on Hadi's head and all 3 of us girls crying at the same time
-Izzy chewing the panda bear making Jaycee cry then making Craig reach back and Izzy growling at him
-Swimming in the pool and Jaycee trying to swim on her own  -Feeding Hadi from the backseat  ha ha
-Finding a Chili's-To-Go for dinner and having to sit at the bar by myself to wait for the order (awk)

Highlights from Day 2 (Erie, PA to Davenport, Iowa)
-Traffic and road construction: at one point the GPS asked if we wanted to switch to walking pedestrian mode
-Hot & humid!   -I drove for 3 hours and was really hyper   -Chicago deep dish pizza for dinner
-Swimming in the pool and this night Jaycee had the swimming learned and wouldn't let us hold on to her.  She's so smart.  (She did have her floaties on)   -Outrageous tolls: at one of them was $24!  

Highlights from Day 3 (Davenport, Iowa to North Platte, NE)
-Iowa is gorgeous!  It's pretty humid but such a pretty state  -Jaycee and her baby cow pooping; we were laughing so hard   -stopping for lunch and Izzy was tied up to a tree and how bad I wanted to just leave her there   -Jaycee doing the potty dance in her car seat and having to stop on the freeway to let her pee in the grass.  As Craig was pulling up her pants she told him there was a bug on her pants-it was a tick!    -The really nice hotel that quickly got a bad taste in my mouth because of the freakin fire alarm going off all night!  -Swimming in the pool again but the water was SOO cold

Highlights from Day 4 (North Platte, NE to Roy, Utah)
-Worst drive ever! I thought Nebraska was bad but I'd say Wyoming is worst   -Our hearts and stomach dropping when we started seeing mountains; we were back home!  -Driving an extra hour for dinner to wait until we could get Costa Vida....mmmmm....    -Would this day ever end?  Those miles were coming off sooo slow   -Dawn meeting us at dinner and Izzy about ready to bite one of her kids  (can you tell I do not like our mean dog)   -Finishing off the night at Craig's parents house and we were so tired.

Jaycee playing in the truck while we load up to leave
 That's a really big truck.  We had been talking about it to Jaycee for weeks so the day it finally came her face was so funny for her to realize it really was here.
 Last piece of furniture-our bed!
 I told Craig to give me a face of how he's going to miss Maine and our home on Detroit St... ha ha
 I was so so so excited.  Let's leave!  Although the day before on Sunday was a very emotional day for me.
 This car drove by as we were waiting for the truck and we were laughing at it and then realized it was the truck driver's helpers.  ha ha.  Gotta love Maine and their backwoods living
 Loading up

 One last picture as I was driving away.  I really did love our experience and home in Maine, but in the end was glad we only had to live there for 2 years.
 Stopping for lunch one of the days.  It was Hadi's turn to drive some-she's such a free loader sometimes. ha ha.  And yes, that is my Dew.  My 30 day streak of no caffeine or soda quickly got ruined when sitting in a car for 12 hours.  That was my only regular and I was good to at least stick with diet.
 Hadi enjoying the ride.  She loved having Jaycee sit beside her the whole time and would just stare at her most of the time.  Jaycee even got her laughing so hard at being silly.
 Jaycee posing for a pic with her glasses on
 They would love it when I would sit in the back with them for a few hours.  We would read books, do puzzles and play together.  It worked out nicely.
 Getting ready to go swimming.  She's getting so close to sitting up
 Smile my beautiful girl
Overall it was a pretty good trip.  I didn't get tons of pictures since we had already done the drive across the country 2 years ago.  Jaycee did SO good and only had the one time that she needed to do an emergency potty trip.  She kept entertained and never complained once.  Hadley did awesome too.  The only time she would cry was when it was time to eat.  Craig did pretty much all the driving and I'm sure he'll never want to do that again.  It's kinda depressing when you put in the address for the hotel and it's like 700 miles away.  Ugh.  I think if anything I had the hardest time.  I got bored and I can't do much on the road because I get car sick pretty easy.  When I was bored I would facebook, drive or play with the girls.  I was just so glad when the day would end.  And Izzy....well she was Izzy-causing trouble, being mean and mostly slept.