Monday, August 29, 2011

A day at the beach

Here it is the end of August and we made it to the beach this year ONE TIME!  Only an hour and half away and we only went once.  I regret that!  I wish we would've gone more.
We did go on Saturday though and it was a BLAST.  Worst part of the day was when the seagulls decided to come and rip a whole in my cheetos and get sand all in the bag.  Bummer.  It was such a fun day.  We got there about 2 and the tide was going out so the timing was perfect.  The water was pretty cold and the weather was humid and about 78 degrees. 

All the girlies playing with the sand.  
 Daddy insisted on a picture of Jaycee and me and my preg self. 

 We climbed up on an island that we were able to walk to because of the low tide.  Looking out over the beach

On our walk towards the island Jaycee was collecting sea shells and she bent down and picked this one up although it wasn't a sea shell.  It was a sand dollar.  I've always wanted to find a sand dollar.
 There were crabs all around the island

Right after we left the beach it only took 10 minutes until both the girls were out cold. 

We ended the beach day with dinner at Red Robin and watching the Lions beat the PATS!  Even our waiter was a Lions fan in Patriot-nation.  The food was awesome and the game was.  What a great day

1 comment:

  1. have to say i am jealous...i only wish i were closer to the beach! glad you could get out there and enjoy the water. as for jaycee, i believe its good luck she found a sand dollar. GO LIONS! it was a great game!
