Monday, November 14, 2011

Thanks All Month Long!

#6-I'm thankful for modern technology.  I love that I can communicate with friends and family clear across the states.  Also our favorite is playing Mario Kart with my sis and nephew.  It'll be fun to see what happens in the years to come with technology.

#7-I'm thankful for medicine!  We are so lucky to live in this time with the advances in medicine.  Although there hasn't been a cure for cancer YET, how thankful I am for what we do have.  These past months I've been especially thankful for Tylenol and Zofran.  Also in the next few weeks I'll be especially grateful for epidural medication :)

#8-I'm grateful for a good paying job.  Craig worked so hard to get all his schooling done and it truly paid off.  I'm thankful I get to stay home with my Jaycee and new baby.  Also thankful that we have good insurance and can pay for dependable cars and sometime soon...a house!

#9-These are in no order---if so this would probably be number one.  I'm thankful for my testimony of the gospel and that I'm a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Later-Day Saints!!!  What an experience it's been to move outside of Utah and especially where the church is barely even heard of.  I've loved going to teach with the missionaries and to feel the Spirit in the homes of those that are learning of the Church.  In fact a young guy, I think he's 20 or so, got baptized a couple months ago and he got up yesterday in church and bore his testimony.  He faced a lot of difficulty with his parents not respecting his decisions and wouldn't even let the missionaries over to their house to teach.  He's come so far and has been such an example to me.  I love going to the lessons that I've come to hear since I was little, and these investigators eyes just sparkle with excitement to hear.  Another girl we went and taught last year-we were in her house and the missionaries were teaching her about the prophet Joseph Smith and the First Vision.  As Sis Hatch repeated what Heavenly Father said to Joseph Smith, you could feel the spirit so strong in the room.  I started crying and so did the investigator.  She had never heard of Joseph Smith.  The missionaries asked how it made her feel..."It gives me hope."  These are the kind of experiences I never even got to have when I lived in Utah.  I feel so thankful I was born into the church and that my parents overcame many trials and kept us going to church.  When I was little, I'll admit that I didn't like going every Sunday, but how thankful I am for it now.  It gives me peace to know that with our big move to Oregon coming up in June, that Heavenly Father will help everything happen as he did before.  I love my Savior, Jesus Christ.  I truly know with MY WHOLE HEART that I belong to the true church upon this Earth.

1 comment:

  1. Just had to tell you thank you for sharing your testimony. What beautiful stories you told and lucky to be part of. It's truly amazing what can happen when other's hearts are opened. You are a wonderful example and I love having you for a sister! ....and we need to play that mariokart. Rhett has been wanting to for a few weeks. He says he's even better :)
