Thursday, September 27, 2012


It's come to that point & age...Jaycee to mom

On our way to scouts  J: "Mom, what are those in the sky" 
Me: "Those are clouds"
J: "Where do they come from?"
Me: "Heavenly Father put them there"
J: "Why?"
Me: "To look beautiful in the sky"
J: "Oh"

J: "Mom, where do bees live?"
Me: "They live in a beehive."
J: "Oh.  Why?"
Me: "Jaycee, you ask a lot of questions.  They live there so they can make honey for us to eat."
J: "Oh for our peanut butter?"
Me: "Yup"

While jogging and out of breath and I'm trying to concentrate
J: "Mom?"   Repeated about 10 times while I don't answer because I'm out of breath
Me: "What Jaycee?"
J: "Are you tired?"
Me: "Yes!"
J: "Dad, mom's tired"

I could go on and on.  This happens!  It's taught me a few things while she's in this asking phase.
1-be patient because she is curious and observing the world around her
2-makes me more observant to the world around me and to appreciate the innocence of little children


  1. That's too funny! Wyatt gets in those asking stages frequently too. I usually get frustrated too or I don't answer in time. He will scream mommy, mommy, and if I really don't comes down to Aimee Parker Read! Yeah that's right he thinks our last name is Parker Read. haha

    1. That made my night! Aimee Parker I need to know something ;) It's so funny how him and Jaycee seem to be doing the same things. Ugh the questions. It's cute but sooo annoying sometimes.

  2. Love can be so frustrating at time, but in the end they just melt our hearts. Loved Wyatt's new interpretation of their 'NEW' last name! so funny!
