Thursday, July 7, 2011

Christmas Shopping

Call me crazy, but Craig and I have already started shopping for Christmas.  With a baby coming, vacation to NYC, parents coming in town, car A/C breaking down and having to pay to repair it; I've felt a little stressed as of money for Christmas.  I'm hoping if I buy a little here and a little there it won't be as big of shock. 

I learned last year when I bought Jaycee's Elmo doll in the summer that it was a bad idea to shop too early for her.  Although she does love the Elmo doll, but other things consume her (backyardigans!)  But this year I feel confident in what we already have bought.  At the end of Christmas we snagged a kitchen set for about $35 which was $80 to begin with.  The other day we bought some cute little stainless steel pots to go with it.  That'll be her big present.  She is going to absolutely love it. 
Remember being little and getting a cabbage patch kid doll!  I loved my baby dolls!  I was always excited to see the birth certificate and see what her name would be.  Jaycee got her first one last christmas from Grandma Parker but it's a snuggle one so it's body is all cotton and doesn't really bend.  She loves playing with my old ones.  Craig makes fun of it because it's a little tattered, but hey, for being about 20 years old, I think she looks pretty good.  This doll Jaycee loves.  She loves to put clothes and shoes on it and take it around the house.  My other one is a swim doll so she mostly goes in the bath tub or outside in the pool.  But I can't believe how much she loves those dolls.  She has another baby doll, but hardly touches it.  So I decided it'd be nice for Santa to bring her very own CPK.  K, since when could you not buy them ANYWHERE!  Luckily, I found the website and can buy one there. I can't decide between 2 of them.  What do you think?

They both are blondish curly hair and brown eyes like Jaycee.  I like the pink outfit, but the teeth on the purple one are cute.  I can't wait to buy her this. 


  1. I say the pink one. It reminds me of Jaycee. I am giving Oaklee one of the baby ones we bought like 3 years ago! I am excited for many years of lots of kids and celebrating. Holidays are fun when kids are around.

  2. Well I say its never too early for getting Christmas shopping done. I did alot for my kiddos a week after Christmas last year. Its good to be prepared. I love that Jaycee loves your old dolls. My girls as well love my old CPK doll. And she looks great for being old. But Kenna takes her everywhere too. I can't wait to get Kenna her own hard one too...she has the soft, plush one too she got for her bday last year. Jaycee's kitchen set will be so much fun for her. Ry got cast iron pots for hers too last year and absolutely loves them. As for Jaycee's CPK, I prefer the purple and pink one!
