Tuesday, July 26, 2011


"The prophet said to plant a garden, so that's what we did!"

We tried back in Utah, but failed miserably.  Probably lack of sun and not the best place to plant.  We decided to plant a garden here, which the Bergs generously let us use some of their space.  We planted snow peas, beans, zucchini, yellow squash, tomatoes and pumpkins.  We wanted to do green peppers too but couldn't find starts for them.  The nice thing about gardening in Maine is you don't have to water the garden.  So the only thing needed is to pull weeds, which we failed on the corn.  The weeds grew in too much while we were away in NY that our corn died.  However, we've been surprised with what we have gotten.  We went over last week and got some beans; enough for dinner for 2 nights.  We went over last night, a week later, and this is what we came home with

Sweet peas from the Berg's section, TONS of zucchini, beans for a week, and snow peas.  Now I've gotta find a recipe for zucchini bread and see how to cook it.  We have to go back over probably Thurs to pick more beans.  It's fun planting a garden.

1 comment:

  1. Huge props on your success! If our paycheck didn't rely on buying produce from the store, I would def plant one too. Though Harmons has the next produce and I have one cute produce guy to pick all the best things for me!
