Friday, December 16, 2011

Baby Has Arrived! PART 1

This post many family members have waited for.  With a new baby it's hard to find extra time between everything to post on my blog, so know that you are loved for taking the time to write this....he he

K so here's how it all happened.  Early Sunday morning 12/11 I woke up about 1:00 am with pretty bad contractions.  They were the Braxton Hicks but a little stronger than they'd been for the past two weeks.  I must had woken Craig up with my moaning but he was super excited and anxious to start timing the contractions.  I had come downstairs because I was so uncomfortable in my bed.  I laid on the couch and Craig came down and laid on the floor and we timed them for almost 2 hours.  Craig wanted me to call my friend Julie to take Jaycee over, but I felt it might be too early.  At about 3 I finally fell asleep then woke up about an hour later and the contractions had died down.  Craig and I were a little bummed.  We then went up back to bed.

After a few more hours of sleep it was time to wake up and get ready for church.  We had someone coming over to look at the 4 wheeler so we weren't in a hurry.  When I woke up I felt like crap!  I had so much pressure down below and could hardly walk.  Everyone at church made sure to comment on how I should be at home, but I was stubborn and wanted gravity to help me out.  We got out of church and headed home and I was so glad.  We ate lunch and then Craig had to go help a lady from church for a bit.  The whole time he was gone I was having really bad contractions.  They were more intense than the night before but the timing wasn't consistent.  If I was sitting down they were coming about every 5 minutes and if I got up to walk around they were coming every 3 minutes.  I for sure thought it was time and waited anxiously for Craig to get home.  We packed up a few things and I called my friend Julie to bring Jaycee over.  She is a nurse so I asked her what she thought if I should go in and she agreed that I was prob in labor.  We dropped of Jaycee at my friends house which is about 5 minutes west and then had to drive 25 miles south of her house to the hospital.  We walked in and the nurses walked me to a room and got me hooked up to the monitors.  I was on the machine for about 20 minutes and indeed my contractions were coming every 3-7 minutes.  The nurse then came to "check me" and see what my progress was.  She had a "trainee" with her so they both checked and confirmed that I was still "thick"  As they put it.  But they did feel the baby's head-that's just crazy weird.  After the nurses left the room and told me to go home I broke down and cried.  I felt so stupid!  I had dropped Jaycee off and had text my sisters and got myself excited to be going into labor to be let down.  I didn't want to walk out for I was crying and embarrassed.  Craig and I were really annoyed by the nurses because they had told me before since it's my second baby to come in if my contractions were 5-7 min apart which they were.  They told us as we left to plan on going to my Tues morning apt as scheduled and not to come in unless my water broke.  Well thanks a lot!  I was also bummed because Dr. B who I had been seeing was on-call and would be delivering. 

I cried the whole way home and was so embarrased to go back and pick Jaycee up so I had Craig drop me off at home so I could take a shower.  He went and picked her up while I gathered my thoughts.  At least I knew the baby was okay and that it was coming close.  The night actually ended up fine.  The only thing was that since I had gotten home I was still having really bad contractions and didn't know how I could possibly sleep through the pain.  I ended up falling asleep but woke up many times in the night with pain and breathing through contractions.

.........TO BE CONTINUED......

1 comment:

  1. sooo stupid!!! i am still so ticked how dumb they seem. almost any dr here would have just given you the pitocin since your contractions were so close. like you say, delivering on the side of the road....
