Thursday, October 28, 2010

20 month stats

Jaycee had her 18 month appointment yesterday. She actually turns 20 months next week, but with switching jobs and getting new insurance it threw it off a bit. Jaycee has never cared about going to the doctor, but this time she knew exactly where she was. She cried the whole time they weighed her, did her length, and checked on her. Luckily, when her doctor came in she was running around in her diaper playing. Then they came and gave her 3 shots and the crying began again. It was nice to have Craig come with me and keep her calm. She is all done with shots until she turns 4! That'll be a good break. Jaycee now weighs 24 lb. 11 oz 46% for her age and is 32 1/4" 49% for her age. So looks like we got an average little girl. We went and got ice cream after for being so good! She didn't eat hardly anything, but I think that was the affects of the shots.

1 comment:

  1. Kanyon will scream as soon as we get into the parking lot. She hates it. Taking two is now a day full.
