Monday, August 16, 2010

Some Good, Some Bad...

What an eventful weekend on both sides of the U.S.A.

Out here in Maine we had such a fun weekend! On Friday we chill-axed when Craig got off work with a yummy dinner and I had to prepare a talk. We decided to "cheat" on our diet since we did good last week and Craig headed to Big Bill's for some ice cream---I got a Strawberry Butterfinger. It was super tasty-I don't lie!
I have been going with the missionaries every week to teach Brother Brown. He got baptized on Saturday and it was AWESOME! I got the opportunity to give a 5 minute talk on baptism, played the organ for the meeting, and Craig gave the opening prayer. I was bummed I forgot my camera to get a pic of Brother Brown, Sister Hatch (my new bud), and Sister Watterson. I'll get a pic before they get transferred, which will be a sad day cuz I LOVE SISTER HATCH! Sunday I had to give my first lesson in YW which was on PROCREATION! I was super nervous because the lesson talked about the law of chastity and procreation. What a tough lesson to break-in a new counselor. It ended up going over so well, and of course I cried when I bore my testimony. We ended Sunday with our friends the Berg's. They came over so Dale (their little boy) can get more comfortable with Jaycee and our house. Katherine is due in October and Dale will be staying with us for a couple days. They treated us with lasagna. We played a fun game of Catan and had some good talks :) All-in-all a great Weekend! Jaycee did wake up Saturday morning with a fever and a cold so she's had a rough couple days, but she's still smiling through it all. We have the best baby ever!

Back in Utah it wasn't a so-good weekend. Craig's brother Kenny got hit the eye with a raquetball and is down for a couple days and has to be SUPER careful so he doesn't injure his eye. We couldn't believe the news! We hope he recovers soon and back to normal. THEN.... I got a phone call from Aimes who told me my mom got in another ATV accident. She blacked out sometime during it all and can't remember what happened. She ended up breaking some ribs and in the hospital, but I'm positive she'll recover well and hopefully soon! I feel so helpless being out here and not being able to help either of our families in a hard time. Our prayers are with both of them! That's prob one of the worst things about not living close to our families is that in time of need we aren't able to help. My heart aches for both of them.

1 comment:

  1. I just had to tell you that we share the same calling! I have been the 2nd counselor for about 2 years now and I LOVE LOVE LOVE the YW! If you haven't heard of yet, you should go there. They have GREAT ideas for lessons and activities. . . pretty much everything!
