Saturday, December 17, 2011

Baby Has Arrived! PART 2

Monday morning I had woken up with more disappointment that I was indeed still pregnant and also only 5 days to my due date.  Craig and I talked about how at my appt the next morning he was going to come with me and we would talk to Dr. B about an induce date or stripping my membranes.  I spent most the day as a usual day...taking care of Jaycee, cleaning, and mostly just relaxing.  I was still having contractions but didn't bother to time them because what would be the point if I went to the hospital again to be sent home.  I watched a few episodes of gray's anatomy and even got to sneak in a 30 minute nap.  About 4 I got up and started to make dinner.  I noticed between 4 and 6 since I'd been up doing things that my contractions were coming more frequent and were still really intense as they had been all day.  But I went in last night and they made me feel stupid like I wasn't in labor, so I had that set in my head that I wasn't in labor and these contractions were normal.  I remember as I was making dinner I had to bend over the counter to breath through my contractions.  I also remember telling Craig how painful the contractions were and way worst than even when I was in labor with Jaycee.

After dinner for FHE we wanted to go to a light show that was about 10 minutes from our house.  As we were driving over I teased how it would be crappy if my water broke because we were driving in the opposite direction.  Craig would hit the bumps in the road and man it hurt!  I had to hold the "O Crap" handle the whole ride and was glad when we got to the lights and stop the car.  We were there for about 30 minutes enjoying and laughing.  It's funny too if you look at Craig's facebook he posted a video of the light show and in the background you can hear me breathing through a contraction.  Ouch they hurt!!!!

We got home and wanted to enjoy the rest of the night with watching Elf.  We had been home for about 20 minutes.  Craig and I were sitting on the couch playing with our phones when it felt like I had to pee....again!  (The last week I had to pee all day long it seemed like)  I stood up to go in the bathroom and as I got up I felt a "Pop" and walked over the the bathroom.  Fluid was running down my leg and all over the bathroom floor.  I just stood there knowing that my water broke and I didn't pee my pants.  The first thing I tell Craig---my water broke!  Go get my phone charger.  ha ha.  Craig yelled to Jaycee to go get her shoes.  Jaycee was super excited and was running to go get her shoes.  She must have been so confused because then I told her to grab my phone.  She actually was such a good helper and hurried.  We had talked to her a lot about when mommy goes to the hospital.  I pulled my pants up-wet and all, I didn't care-and grabbed my phone.  I called Julie and she reminded me that we had to hurry since we had a drive and now my contractions were going to be more intense.  We rushed and sped to Julies.  We then got on the freeway and I was just waiting for the contractions to start again.  They had start coming and we still had 20 miles to drive.  Craig was going 90!!!!!  I had to remind him to slow down and be careful.  He was so kind to let me squeeze his hand through the contractions and deal with me freaking out.  He had to remind me to relax and calm down, but all I could think about was about my sister Aimee's delivery with her baby Oaklee.  Finally we pulled into the hospital!  Craig jumped out of the car to grab a wheelchair to find that the doors were locked.  Oh shit!  He jumped back in the car and my contractions were getting worst.  We drove around back to Emergency and he once again went and got a wheelchair.  In between my contractions I was laughing at how silly looking we must be as we're scurring to find the elevators to get to labor and delivery.  We get to the front desk and no one was there.  I even called to tell them on that way that I was coming.  Craig was ticked!  He ran up the halls to find someone and then just called the front desk to have someone come.  They came fast and took me to my room.  At this point the contractions were hurting so bad and I could tell this was coming fast.  I was a little annoyed because the nurses were just taking their dear, sweet time.  I got in my room and they tell me to give them a pee sample.  Are you serious?!!!  I can hardly even walk let alone get on the toilet and pee.  I ripped off my bottoms and in between contractions gave them a mess in a bottle. ha ha-serves you right!  I then get on the bed and feeling these contractions and trying my best to breathe through them and try to relax.  She hooked me up to the monitor and I tell her-I need my epidural.  (1st time I tell them)  She says she needs to check me first and an IV started.  The thought of her "checking me" sounded so painful especially with these contractions.  She waited in between and confirmed that I was a 7!  The first thought was that I prob couldn't get an epidural.  Now my contractions were getting even worst!  In one of them I was screaming a little bit and thought that I should try to be quite, but then I didn't care.   Oh I screamed!  They got my IV started and at that point I again said...I need the epidural (2nd time) The dr came in to check me I was an 8!  It had only been maybe 5 minutes since the other nurse checked.  Right after he checked me the nurses started bringing everything in to prep for the baby to come.  I'm sure there was fear in my eyes knowing in the back of my mind that I had to do this natural.  There was no time.  But I wasn't prepared for it!  Poor Craig.  He was being such a good cheerleader and putting the fan on me through one contraction, then the next I'd tell him it's bugging me.  I'm sure he was so confused.  One of the nurses had her hand on my stomach and I remember slapping it off.  I wasn't so nice.  After about another 5 minutes of contractions and I mean PAINFUL contractions I felt the urge to push.  I guess a nurse had told me not to push yet, but I didn't hear her.  They yelled for the dr to come back in and I was ready to get this baby out.  The nurse was so sweet to encourage me as I yelled that I couldn't do it.  I had to focus on the ceiling and just grip through the pain.  Well my body said it was time to push.  I remember feeling a bowel movement and could feel her head right ready.  I started pushing too fast so the dr told me to slow them down and to ease the baby out.  When I would push too hard it was a burning sensation so I was glad that he told me to slow it down.  He was a very patient dr and helped to ease her out.  Craig also reminded me that if I just get her out the pain will be over.  After pushing for just a few minutes she plopped right out.  Ahhh.....that was so much better.  They then hooked up oxytocin to my IV to deliver the placenta and to help my uterus to go back down.  It was so weird to feel the umbilican cord and I could even fill the pressure of Craig cutting it.  I delivered the placenta and all done.  The best news the doctor told me....NO STITCHES OR TEARING.  Yay!  I still felt really crampy as expected and still was having contractions from my uterus but I could handle that-no problem.

When she came out she took a minute to breathe and they had to suction her out a lot and finally she screamed.  I could see Craig take a deep breath of relief once she screamed.  They were about to weigh her and we all guessed.  I was thinking close to 8 pounds because of the ultrasounds guessing she was big.  She weighed in at 7 lb. 2 oz. and 21 inches long.  She was beautiful.  As they were weighing her I looked at Craig and said...Crap what's her name?!!!  She didn't look like the names so I had to go on a feeling.  We pretty much narrowed it to Avery or Hadley but we both knew she was our Hadi May.

So here's a rough time frame from the night:
Water broke 9:10
Get things together, drive to Julie's (5 miles away) and drop off Jaycee 9:30
Drive and arrive at hospital 9:55
Go to different door and up to Labor & Delivery 10:00
Hadley May Parker born at 10:36

After she was born the dr and nurse tell me to be careful with the next baby or I'll be delivering in the car---um duh-I came in last night in labor.  Craig and I just rolled our eyes and glad that we are done dealing with Maine health care.


  1. Loved reading this. Thanks for taking the time to put it up. I just kept replaying Oaklee's birth in my head. I love hearing about birth stories. I like you will be very scared to deliver next time!

  2. Agh!!! First off, I was laughing out loud reading this post. Second, I wanted to pull my hair out with the stuipidness of the so-called "health-professionals" out there. I am surprised they didn't send you home again! But I am so happy Hadi May made it here safely and in a hospital. I am sooo excited to meet her sweet self. Love you so much, you and amos are such troopers. And next baby, we will be there to help you out!
