Saturday, March 12, 2011

Jaycee had her 2 yr doctor checkup yesterday. I was a little nervous because last time we went she cried the minute we walked in. Well yesterday that was not the case. I told her we were going to see the doctor so right as we walk in she yells "Hi Doctor" All the girls in the office had a blast talking to her and laughing because she was so hyper for some reason. Jaycee was very cooperative and let the dr do the whole checkup without having to have me right at her side. It was cute to see her not crying and being happy to everyone. Here are her stats:
Height 34" 50% for her age
Weight 26 pounds even 48% for her age
Head 19 1/4" 74% for her age

I was shocked she was 50 for her height. I guess she got Craig's height because I've always been short. We love our little girl!


  1. Glad to see that our kids aren't the only ones with big heads!

  2. Hey my little girl is gonna have the beauty and the brains. Can't get better than that!

  3. My baby has a big Nugget to!
    So glad that she was't scared this time that is so hard on them & mom.
    So since she's two now are guys ready for number 2?

  4. I just can't believe how she is progressing so nicely. Even went to nursery without crying. yay! Number 2 will come I guess when it's "the right time"
