Thursday, March 24, 2011

Just Plain Cute!

K, so we all know I'm a bargain shopper.  I love getting a good deal.  With knowing that, I usually buy clothes for Jaycee at the end of the season for the next years coming up.  That way I can get good quality clothes for cheap and not cheap clothes for cheap.  BUT, the retail stores just HAVE to come out with such cute things right now.  I bought Jaycee's swim suit for this year at Babies R Us last fall for $2 and it's adorable-hot pink with a big flower on it.  Well, today I was looking at Children's Place online for fun and I see this....
Seriously!  I have to have it!  I'll keep my on it to watch it get cheaper, hopefully.  I just think it is so cute.  It's already marked down to $12 so let's aim for under $10 and I'll buy it for her to wear next year. 


  1. SO CUTE!! :o) I Love the new look to your blog! I would like to buy Rylee's clothes ahead but I never know how much she is going to grow...she always surprises me with how big she gets over just a couple months. :o)
