Wednesday, August 24, 2011


If any of you know me well enough, you'd know I LOVE PIZZA! 

Well, I'm a little jealous at the moment.  I talked to Craig about an hour ago and found out that the week before his Oregon trip next month, he'll be flying to Chicago for a job site visit he's been working on.  That means he gets to eat this
 Anyone that's been to Chicago and had their famous deep dish pizza know what I'm talking about.  If we had the money and time, Jaycee and I would go with him just so I could get some pizza.  I guess it should be a given that I love the things of and da Bears! 


  1. Wow! I have never been to Chicago but this Pizza looks Amazingly Yummy!!!! :o)

  2. yes you know we are way jealous. i keep thinking one day we'll get there, one day... if you get bored while he's gone-skype and mariokart with me! Love ya sis
