Monday, August 29, 2011

My Little Lady

I must say Jaycee has personality!  She makes me laugh on a daily basis.

*Today she took the arm to her Mr. PotatoHead and came up to us saying, Hi Guys.  It was pretty funny.

*Jaycee is obsessed with my camera and taking pictures.  Tonight she wanted me to take a picture of her and daddy so she said, "Daddy, cheese for mommy"  So she goes close to him saying cheese.  Here's the cute pic:
*Jaycee loves to play with her little tea set that Grandma Parker gave her for her first birthday.  It came with 3 little pieces of pretend cake.  She likes to get 3 of her princess plates, 3 spoons, and put the 3 pieces of cake for mommy, daddy and Jaycee.  She'll come to give them to us to eat, but I never get a different one.  It's always the one with pink frosting and sprinkles.  Daddy always gets the chocolate piece.  And Jaycee always gets the white one...cuz "It's my favorite"

*Jaycee is obsessed with dragons.  She is constantly talking about dragons in the clouds or dragons coming into the house.  Sometimes it's a nice dragon and sometimes we have to "hide from the dragon"  She has quite the imagination.

*The other day Jaycee hit her head on a chair at the church.  Usually she'll cry for just a minute and then we'll tell her she's tough and she'll go back to playing.  Well this night she was being a little shy with the new missionary there.  After she hit her head, I looked at her and said, "Jaycee, it's okay...your tough"  She continues to cry and says, "No mom; I'm Jaycee"

*Jaycee loves her "puppy" Izzy.  First thing every morning she asks to play with Izzy and let her out of her kennel.  They are seriously best buds.  Last night Jaycee had fallen asleep on the couch and then moved onto the floor.  Izzy saw her laying on the floor sleeping and came and laid right next to her.  It was the cutest thing to see them together.

*Jaycee LOVES to sing or be sung to.  She likes the silly songs like Itsy Bitsy Spider or "The Pirate Song" from Backyardigans.  At night when going to bed she always has me do "The Prayer Song (A child's prayer)" or "Mommy's Prayer (Love is Spoken Here)" or I am A Child of God.  She knows almost all the words to the songs.  Well Craig and I like to watch Monk.  The other night we were watching and during the intro the theme song came on and Jaycee sang along.  We had no idea she knew the song.  Luckily tonight I caught it on video.

I just love being a mommy!  Most rewarding thing I've ever done!


  1. How Sweet. That video was SOOO Cute! :o) What a smart little girl!

  2. Man that makes me miss you guys so much! I love how girly she is twirling! She is starting to look just like her momma!

  3. LOVE IT! its fun when we can actually catch those sweet moments and remember how cute they are. thanks for sharing these special things. i cannot wait until we can see more.
