Thursday, April 29, 2010

So much to do!

Well our internet at the moment is working on getting hooked up. Hopefully tonight Craig can do it. We are all moved in and boy is there stuff everywhere! It only took the movers 4 hours to move in all the boxes, set up beds, and table. I finally got the kitchen and bathroom done and in order. The previous tenant never mopped the floor I swear cuz I spent 2 hours scrubbing it! My arms are sore today. Other than that, it's coming along!
We did our big shopping at Wal-Mart last night. It was $433!!!! I couldn't believe it, but we did buy a lot of stuff. We bought a rug, totes, diapers, wireless router, groceries, cleaning supplies, towels, and just a bunch of other stuff we needed. The worst thing is that when we went to buy the stuff our credit card declined! Frustrating! America First is driving me nuts! It's cuz they thought someone had our card and spending $ in Maine when we live in Ogden. We even called and told them about our move to Maine! We'll be switching that soon!
Well gotta get back to cleaning. I'll post pics of the house once I get it straightened up. Love you all!

1 comment:

  1. Hooray!! I can't wait for pictures of your house. I know how you feel about the cleaning thing. When we bought this house we spent two days cleaning it up. I think they just let their cat tear up the whole house for weeks. It was BAD!! Glad all is going well.....keep us posted!
