Monday, September 20, 2010


I know you're probably thinking I'm crazy for 1-changing my background AGAIN or 2-I put Halloween on it. I can't help it. I LOVE HALLOWEEN. It's my most favorite holiday.
So you're just gonna have to deal with it for an extra ten days. Do you all have your costume picked out? I can't decide what we're going to do. Craig hates dressing up, but I'm making him. I'm thinking maybe we'll be gangsters...that could be fun...we will see...


  1. I am right there with you. I have pumpkins, ghosts, and spiders hanging in my front room window that my kids made. I am so ready for Halloween myself.

  2. That's awesome! So do you do that with Christmas too? I've got everything up before Thanksgiving even comes

  3. I don't think it's too early. We already decorated at work for Halloween. We are decorating our house this weekend. Plus, I bought Wyatt's costume today. I got a screaming deal! Guess what he chose?

  4. I'm so with you...I love love halloween!!!!!!!! I can't decide what we are doing this year...I know that Colby is going to be Spiderman and maybe Riley a little spider????

  5. Aimee: I'm guessing Wy chose something to do with Toy Story? I'm still thinking of what to do for Jaycee.
    Lacey: That is such a cute idea! I love it!

  6. He did want to be buzz but he found a Tigger costume when we were at Babies R Us yesterday! He carries both tiggers around you gave him.

  7. Ah that makes me smile :) I can't wait to see pictures! Jaycee carries around hers in her stroller. We decided today Craig and I are being pirates and Jaycee is going to be our monkey :)
