Thursday, September 2, 2010

Maine=4 Wheeling country!

Going for a ride on a trail near our house. Jaycee loved it!

She kept saying "ride" until we finally took it out on the trail

She loved the ride so much she fell asleep between Craig and I. We had dirt all in our hair and clothes. Ew, Jaycee would say

Craig taking more more!

What a day! We're so glad we are keeping it and hope to take it out more especially with the leaves turning colors.


  1. It makes me want to go out and buy one. Love the pictures, and you are looking Fabulous!

  2. I love it such cute pictures! You look beautiful & your hair is getting so long.

  3. Ah thanks girls. It is a blast and can't wait until we get to buy one for Jaycee when she's bigger. I'm trying to grow my hair out for Locks of Love :)

  4. Amanda I agree you look fabulous!!!! I miss you guys so darn much!!!!

  5. So I will jump on the bandwagon and agree you look totally great and and a shout out to Craig. You are looking mighty slim also. And Ry says hi when she saw the pics. Mainly because she said its Kenna when she saw Jaycee cause Kenna has the same shirt and she thought it was her. Anyways, miss our 4-wheeling parties. Labor Day is in a couple of days, remember it was already one year ago when we went up to the mtns last labor day and I was preggers. :(

  6. You all are too kind. Just gotta lose my baby pounds so when Jaycee turns 2 we can start trying and I can gain it all back. ha ha. A vicious cycle. Ah, the days of 4 wheeling and shooting guns. I miss that for sure!
