Monday, April 11, 2011

Picture Upload

I've had a couple pics sitting on my camera I've been meaning to put on here, but didn't until now.  So Here we go.
Jaycee opening her birthday card from gramma and pa-pa allen
Jaycee is now really close to being potty trained.  She still wears a diaper at nap & bed time, but other than that she wears panites and uses her potty all day long. She still needs to learn to go outside of our house, but we're getting close.  She's such a good girl.

Gramma and pa-pa gave Jaycee a gift card for her birthday so we let her roam the toy section for a good 20 minutes to pick out toys.  She picked out a baby doll carrier and then we found this cart and knew she'd love it.  She loves to push it around the house and put her dolls and Elmo in it.  Oh and she also likes to torture the dog around the house by chasing her with it.

Gramma and pa-pa Parker sent Jaycee a little easter present.  She was so excited when she opened it to find a whole bag of bunny mallows and this adorable new dress.  I tried to get her to pose, but this is the best I got.
This is the Jaycee scowl.  She pulls this face then starts cracking up thinking she's so funny.

Craig got back Sunday morning from California and we were so excited!  He even came up to the church to meet us.  Right when we got home we had him open his birthday presents.  He wasn't expecting anything because he got a new bike, but I still wanted to get him a little something.
Jaycee helped him open his other present which was some pants.  He had a pair that he loved and they got ruined a year ago, so I bought him a new pair.
We made daddy his favorite cake.  I made it a little different and it actually tasted a lot better.  If you want the recipe just leave a comment. "Happy Birthday Craig!"

1 comment:

  1. Jacee is such a little cutie! Yay for your hubby being home again. Its always nice to have everyone home together.
