Monday, July 4, 2011

Vacay-Part 2

On Thursday morning at 4 am we headed from NH to the big NYC.  It's about a 4 hour drive from Dathan's house to the hotel we were meeting up with Don & Malorie.  We ended up finally getting there and parking the car at 10 am.  The first 3 hours was wonderful and Connecticut was beautiful.  The last hour made it a long drive with traffic, traffic, traffic!

Driving next to the Hudson almost to the hotel

One of the many streets we had to drive through to finally get there. What a mess! 
The "color" of NYC should be yellow!  They're everywhere!

We had to park the car in 24 hour parking for $40!  I can't believe how much they can charge and feel okay about it. We had tickets to see the Statue of Liberty and the ferry left at 10 am, but we were late getting into the city.  So we packed up our stuff from the hotel and headed for the subway to see if we could still go.  That Statue of Liberty was one of things I wanted to see. 

Jaycee was really excited for the train to come and ride on it 

We got to Battery Park and walked around and luckily they got us on the next ferry going out.  I was very grateful Don bought the tickets in advance.  I had to take a Zofran before we went-me and boats don't mix well.  They had high security, like an airport, to go out to the park and there were security helicopters flying around the whole time.  

Riding on the ferry out to the island

What a beauty!  Did you know she's made out of steel and copper?

Looking out to the city from the island

Hanging out in the shade.  It was a really hot day but luckily the humidity wasn't too bad

 Ellis Island

Don & Mal

Our little family LOVING the big city.  he he

Such a cool place to see and go to

The Statue of Liberty from the ferry ride

After we spent time on the island and eating lunch we headed back into the city to do some sightseeing.
A pic of the bull from Wall Street.  That's the best pic we could get because there were so many people around it.

 Looking down Wall Street
 Walking on Broadway.  The church on the left was the coolest looking church I've ever seen.

 Craig thought it was cool to see the cranes on top of the huge buildings. 

Isn't that crazy?  A walk-way aka "sky bridge" between buildings. 

We were at ground zero and there were army people everywhere with their guns out securing the sight.  I had Craig try to take a pic of them without them noticing it was of them.  He's in the background with his loaded gun.

Ground zero!  They're working on rebuilding there and making a museum. 
I can't imagine being there when the buildings went down.  

Sitting next to ground zero.  

We thought the building in the back was pretty neat looking.  It looked spiraled-if you can notice it

After we walked through the city we went back to the hotel to relax for a little bit and get some meds.  We all were really hot and needed a break to cool off.  Our hotel was about 1 mile from ground zero in the middle of the city.  It was nice to take a break from all the people and sit in an A/C building for a bit.  Then we headed back out into the night to get some dinner.  
 We went to Union Square where a bunch of different restaurants were.  We decided to eat at Max Brenner.  It was really exotic tasting food and delicious.  For dessert we HAD to get the famous chocolate pizza.  It was devine!  Pizza made with chocolate, carmel, some white chocolate that looked like cheese and bananas.  I would go back just for that!   Jaycee didn't eat anything at the restaurant so we had to stop at McDonalds on the way back to get her some nuggets and a yogurt.  We were going to go to Time Square but by the time we got done with dinner it was 11 and still had to walk back to our hotel.  I was exhausted, had a headache, and started feeling crampy so I was glad we decided to skip it and go back.  And plus we had been up since 4 am that day!  Right when I hit the down comforter pillows, I was out cold!  By far it was a fun day and things went well.  Little did we know the next day would be horrible!

1 comment:

  1. Whew!!! I bet yall were exhausted. I got tired just from reading, but wow! You were able to get some pretty neat pics. I never knew the park with Liberty was so big, the sky bridge was very cool, I loved that spiral building, and ground zero...what a sight. Even though its crowded and crazy, its very amazing to get to see such wonderful things. Thanks for sharing!
