Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Hard work does pay off in the end

I'm super proud of my sweet hubby.  He worked 7 LONG YEARS in school, studied many hours to pass his test to become a Utah licensed PE, studied even MORE hours to take the gruesome CA Pe and pass and continues to work every day as hard as he can.  He is setting such a good example to Jaycee and Hadley that hard work does pay off and what it means to be a hard worker. 

Today at work he got a promotion w/raise and is now a "Project Manager Engineer"  So now he'll be overseeing projects and all the other things that come with it.  He also will be the ONLY structural engineer in their Oregon office.

I'm so excited for him and for the chance we have to work for this company and the advances he gets.  There is so much growth and learning here.  I didn't write this to brag or anything, just want to tell him how proud we are of him and his hard work.  He deserves a little recognition.

1 comment:

  1. Whatever...you need to BRAG, BRAG, AND BRAG some more. That is totally awesome news and you should give a shout out because he has worked super hard. So proud of Craig and a big HUGE CONGRATULATIONS!!! Woot Woot to that smart man :)
