Tuesday, November 16, 2010


#16 I've had to really think of more things I'm grateful for as my list is getting close to done. Last night I took some dinner over to the misisonaries for fun. They only get food from members on Sundays and they've been craving pizza, so that's what they got. I'd say today and for #16 I'M GRATEFUL for my callings. I'm the 2nd counselor in YW pres and also 2 weeks ago Craig and I got called to be Branch Missionaries. I love the young woman program and love to get to know the girls better and to teach them to prepare them. Also I love being a missionary! I get to go teaching every week and be with my friends Sister Hatch and Sister Lisonbee. They are such funny girls. They both went and cut their hair yesterday because I cut mine. That makes me laugh. They are so cute and we've become such good friends. I know Heavenly Father gives us callings to learn and grow but also I know he gives us ones that are perfect for us! And he has given me the callings I have for a purpose. And I thank Him for that!

1 comment:

  1. Awww sweetie! What a great example you are! I have just loved reading about your blessings and how much you love them. You truly are a magical and wonderful person, sister, wife, mother, daughter, friend....the list goes on and on. Love you :)
