So we had plans for Thanksgiving weekend to go to Dathan & Kel's house in Pelham, NH. We were supposed to leave Wednesday around noon, but Craig came home Tuesday after work and said...let's be spontaneous and leave. NOW?!!! We hurried and packed up our stuff and headed there a day early. Kel and Dathan had no idea but I think they were excited for the surprise. We were in such a hurry we forgot to get cash for tolls going down. We had to stop at an ATM. We relaxed and hung out and had so much fun. Jaycee loves her cousin Brayden and likes to chase him around. She also liked playing with Haylie and laughing. One of my favorites was when Jaycee goes up to Kami and says "Hi Baby" She was obsessed with the baby and any time she cried she'd find a binki to give her. I'd say she's ready for a little brother/sister. We will see... :)
Thanksgiving dinner turned out to be a success. Dathan bought a turkey fryer and fried up a turkey in peanut oil. It was delicious and not even dry. It also only took an hour to cook. Kel and I did the other things including: mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, stuffing, cranberries, corn, gravy, and 7 layer jello. My mouth was watering so bad. We ended up eating about 3 and then watching the football games the rest of the night. We also got to Skype with my side of the family for a long time. It was so fun to see everyone! For dessert we had pies. I was craving a fruit pie so I made a yummy strawberry one, Dathan made pumpkin, and kel bought a lemon merangue. We had such a great night. The whole day we looked through ads and decided at 11 to go out and shop :) Kel stayed home with the kiddos since Kami had to be fed and the rest were watching movies. Craig, Dathan and I pulled into Wal-Mart's parking lot at 12:10 and there were no parking spots! Have you seen Wal-marts parking lots?!!! We ended up parking on the grass and in we went. It was pure chaos! People even grabbed stuff out of our cart...rude~! We had such a fun time laughing and making fun of people and their craziness. We went mainly for the PJ, hoodies and DVD's. We really wanted to get the portable DVD player for Jaycee for $49 but that was on the 5am sale and it was only 1:30 am. We were not waiting! While we were wandering around we saw 2 pallets of the players with no signs on them or anything. Craig picked one up and went to check the price...$49! We decided to take it up to the register with us and just try it. Well let's just say no one said a word and we walked out of WalMart @2 am with a portable DVD player! SUCKERS! We headed from there to Toys R Us because they had some cute Toy Story toys but they were sold out. Jaycee LOVES Toy Story. We then drove over to Kohls but they were still closed. We decided then it was time to go home. We ended up going to sleep about 5 am and everyone slept until noon. It was such a fun time. We were laughing so hard! The next couple days we hung out, played games, went and did a little christmas shopping, went to dinner, and pretty much enjoyed every minute with that Allen family :) We left Sunday about 5 and headed home. We got home to 30 degrees and snow on the ground! All-in-all I'd say it was a super fantastic weekend. Now we get to look forward to 2 weeks when we fly out to UtaR! Yes...that's how they say it out here in Maine...he he. Here are some pics from our fun weekend! Love you All!
Brayden and Kel making name tags. I love Bray's face in this pic ha ha
The boys outside frying the turkey
Brayden helping set the table for dinner
The turkey all done! Look at the cute name tag
Jaycee and Haylie playing on the air mattress watching a movie---GIRLS ONLY!
Playing some good ol Catan. It took about 3 hours to finish one game!
Kami playing around. Love this baby!
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