Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Too Long!

Well it's been a long time coming! I needed a hair cut desperately bad. I've been growing it out to do the Locks of Love, but then I heard that not only does Aimee and Dalynne have short hair-but not Dawn. That meant all my sisters have short hair. I wanted to be the 1 out of 4 that had long hair. BUT I just couldn't take it anymore! I scheduled the appointment in hopes of just getting a trim. When I sat down I told the girl my plans and she got a ruler out and let me know it was 10 inches long. DONE!!!! CHOP IT OFF! So here's my final result.

Kinda a sad day but fun to know it'll help someone :) My good deed for the day

My smiley face

Serious face

Kiss face

So there ya have it. It's an adjustment for sure. I guess say good bye to side pony tails and hello to headbands.


  1. Missy, it looks sooooo cute! I am so jealous you can make anything look good....lucky!!! Though having short hair has perks: shorter dry time, fun styles, less weight, rockin hair in pigtails, cute hats, and headbands. You will love it, and of course so will Craig. You always look hot! :) good job at helping someone out.

  2. I think it looks so cute. Very sassy! That is what a mama needs, is to be sassy. Great deed for the day!

  3. I am loving this look for you!!!! You are a sexy beast!!! And you gave someone your hair to boot!!! You are amazing!!!

  4. Aw, how sweet of you. I Love the Locks of Love Proram. If I ever grew my hair out again, I would love to do that. Btw..I Love your new hair cut. It's such a fun spunky new look for you. :o) I really like it!
