Monday, November 22, 2010

It was a crazy busy week last week and I slacked on my Thanksgiving list. ...
#17-I'M GRATEFUL for my bed! Getting married was awesome because I get to share a bed with my favorite person and his mom & dad bought us our pillowtop bed. So comfy!
#18-I'M GRATEFUL for snow. We've only gotten it once here in Maine but I've read on F/B that Utah is getting more than us. I love snow! It makes winter time look so beautiful. What would Christmas time be without snow?! It's my favorite to look outside and see a blizzard all day long. So much fun!
#19-I'M GRATEFUL for Friday, November 19, 2010. We had the opportunity to go to Topsham for a training from some very special women. We decided to have a girl's night with all our YW so we drove together. We got there about 30 minutes early so we could get good seats. As the night started Sister Wixom, Sister Dalton, Sister Allred, and Brother Eyring (Pres Eyring's son) walked in and started off a wonderful evening. Each gave a wonderful talk and you could truly feel the spirit so strong in that church. Then after we all split up between primary, yw, and relief society. Sister Dalton gave a 1 1/2 hour training on young women. After wards we got the opportunity to hug and meet all 3 women and met Brother Eyring. It was so neat to see how excited the Young Women were and to see such remarkable women in New England! I came home and told Craig all about it. What a wonderful night!
#20-I'M GRATEFUL for our TV. We finally broke down and bought a new light bulb for our TV and we asked ourselves how we went so long without it. We can actually sit back on the couch and enjoy our TV again. Football Sunday was awesome to watch the games on our 50 inch! YAHOO!
#21-I'M GRATEFUL for my mom. As I get older I realize how much I'm like my mom. And I take that as a huge compliment. She is the most selfless woman I know! She taught me so many things and is such an example to me. Yesterday I was asked to play piano for sacrament meeting and also for the primary interlude song. I was thinking how thankful I was that my mom taught me to play the piano and I get to share that talent with others. I love my mommy!
#22-I'M GRATEFUL for Joseph Smith. When we moved out here to Maine we got to stop in Palmyra, New York to visit his home and also The Sacred Grove where he knelt and prayed. Being there made a huge impact on my testimony of this great man! He was only 14 when he wanted to know which church to join and when he was visited by Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I can't image being 14 and having something like that happen to me. THEN after that he got mocked and horrible things done to him because people didn't believe him. When I go out with the missionaries and they share the story of Joseph Smith with people, the spirit is overwhelming and assures my testimony of this true prophet! I'm so grateful for him and hope to one day be able to tell him that!

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